What is adobe acrobat distiller xi used for
What is adobe acrobat distiller xi used for

what is adobe acrobat distiller xi used for

REGISTRY\USER\\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0 There are four exclusions required to be created I don’t see a reason that it will not work for traditionally created deployments using Adobe Customization Wizard, but I haven’t tested that. The Build only contains Adobe Acrobat, and no other components. The source media has been a Creative Cloud generated build, with default settings. Office version this is tested with is Office 20 – both running as 32-bit applications.

what is adobe acrobat distiller xi used for

The target environment this specific scenario has been tested for is Windows 7 圆4, so that will be the packaging machine aswell. You will need App-V 5.0 SP2 sequencer setup on your packaging machine. Well, here is a recipe and some great stuff for you to bring back to Adobe. Microsoft clearly states that drivers are not supported, and the below method is not advised by them to resolve issues relating to drivers. Acrobat virtualized is not, and has not been communicated that it will be at any time, supported by Adobe. Just to clarify The below suggestion is not supported by anyone. We understand why, and assume that bringing support for this would require some changes or new inventive ways of “doing funky stuff” under the hood. Within the Microsoft Sequencing Guide for App-V 5 there is still a limitation of the drivers not beeing possible to make a part of the virtual package. As App-V 5 brings in a new set of features that resolves quite a few of the limitations (such as browser helper objects) that previously existed, perhaps we can leverage this to deploy Acrobat without the impacting the user experience? The solution to workaround the limitation has never been nice, and App-V has in some cases allowed for a less disrupting delivery. With their latest suite of deployment tools there is actually a document of “ process conflicts” which is list to long for anyone to care about.

what is adobe acrobat distiller xi used for

In essence, the installation fails if common applications are running – such as Outlook or Word. In larger organizations the primary driver for this has been the poor handling of locking of files by applications that Acrobat integrates with. Adobe Acrobat (along with any other Adobe software) has always been something people want to virtualize due to different reasons.

What is adobe acrobat distiller xi used for